Hit Rock Bottom? Think Again.

On this episode of Next Level American Dream, Abigail and Sean are joined by Javier Hinojo. Javier started in SF Real Estate, liquidated all of those units, and started from scratch in 2017. Fast forward to 2019, Javier has acquired 4 Multifamily properties and has completely changed his outlook on life. Today, Javier shares with listeners how he was able to make connections to grow his brand from scratch, and talks about his transition from SF to MF Real Estate.

Key Topics

  • ​Transition from SFR to MFR

  • Rapid networking transformation

  • Outlook on life

Connect with Javier Hinojo:


    multifamily, deals, money, American Dream, business, work, people, houses, flipping, single, real estate, investors, Javier, good, buy, properties, Mastermind, pay, family, projects


    Sean Thomson, Abigail Thomson, Javier Hinojo

    Abigail Thomson 00:01

    Welcome to the Next Level American Dream Podcast brought to you by Thomson Multifamily Group. Your hosts, Abigail and Sean, will discuss how you can take your American Dream to the next level through real estate investing, business practices, and personal development. Join us as we share our experiences as a father daughter duo who are trying to accomplish our goal of financial freedom. We hope you learn more about how to define and achieve your American Dream. Here's another episode of Next Level American Dream. Welcome to the Next level American Dream Podcast. We have a great guest for you today but first, please make sure you're subscribed if you have not already. We also love getting your feedback through likes, comments, ratings, and reviews. Today, Sean has a conversation with Javier Hinojo. Javier started in single family real estate, liquidated all of his units, and started from scratch in 2017. Fast forward to 2019, Javier has acquired four multifamily properties and completely changed his outlook on life. Today Javier shares with our listeners how he was able to make connections to grow his brand from scratch and talks about his transition from single family into multifamily real estate. If you found any value from today's episode, then please share it with a friend and help us grow. For more information on our sponsor, visit: www.thomsonmultifamilygroup.com to start taking your American Dream to the next level through passive investing.

    Sean Thomson 01:31

    Hi, Javier! Welcome to next level American Dream podcast. Thanks for being on the show. How are you doing?

    Javier Hinojo 01:36

    Thank you, sir. I'm doing well. Thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure.

    Sean Thomson 01:39

    Good! So, you have an interesting path through real estate and your real estate career. Let's talk about that, if you don't mind through the show, and give the listeners kind of how you got started in real estate.

    Javier Hinojo 01:51

    Sure. So I know you and I actually met in person in Austin. So that was nice to kind of get a chance to shake your hand and have a chat. So that was that was very pleasant. But I want to I'll tell your listeners all the kind of my story in real estate. I've been involved in real estate for about six and a half years. And it started by flipping houses. I went to one of those three day weekends seminars, it was the Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and that my friend suckered me into going and we ended up buying a $35,000 program. We started flipping houses right away. And then I started wholesaling. So I did it, I guess I did it backwards. I don't know, I flipped first and then I wholesaled. And at some point, I was flipping over 50 properties a year, I'm in the Raleigh Durham market, I was also in other markets. I was in Tampa, San Antonio Austin, my hometown, El Paso. So I was you know, pretty, pretty active. And I wanted to really scale to do 100-150 flips. And I was at a mastermind meeting with guys all over the countries and some badass investors, you know, doing 100/200 flips a year plus. And once I saw their systems and processes, I'm like, Man, I'm going to have to redo everything that I do right now. Like, I got to get new staff, I have to like revamp, I have to do just I got to pretty much almost felt like starting from scratch. And I just felt like I was on a scale to unhappiness. If I kept flipping houses. It was a weird feeling. Yeah. And so I just told my wife, Hey, honey, you know what, I think we should quit. And she looked at me like, what the hell? What are you talking about? And she said, How much time do you need? And I said, Give me two years, you know, I'm a dumb ass. I didn't really know how much time I needed. And I said, Give me two years. Right. And that was in late September, early October 2019. Right. So fast, fast forward. What is that 19 months, you know, something like that? 20 months? I don't know, you know, we're at 690 units, you know, roughly about $15 million worth of commercial, multifamily and mobile home park in there. So that's pretty much my big picture.

    Sean Thomson 03:44

    Yeah, that's very similar to my story. So my, my investing career has always been based on how much income I can produce for my family, right. And I was flipping houses trying to keep rentals as much as I could. And what I discovered was in single family, you have to build this giant machine to churn through houses so that you can kind of carve out some for your single family or for your rental business, right. And I got to a place where I'm like, I'm just not scaling my rental business fast enough. But I don't want to build a bigger single family machine. I just didn't want to do that, that level of volume, right. And so I started looking into multifamily. As an option, how did you kind of how did what was the trigger for you to say, hey, this single family business, you just you just said it's going to have to be this? What was? How did you discover some multifamily as an option for you?

    Javier Hinojo 04:31

    Well, you know, I just actually paid attention to somebody talking about the numbers. You know, somebody said, hey, look, this is what the numbers look like. And I'm like, Damn, like, that's actually pretty good. Like, you can sell this and make this much or you can refinance, get all your money back and still make money. And he can keep growing. And the more you The more you buy, the more you can buy and the faster you can grow and like holy crap, like the numbers just make sense. You know, you know, I thought to myself, if I if I have 1010 single family houses and I want to go see them in one day. I could probably see him in one day in the same city take me all day. Or if I have a 10 unit apartment building, shoot, I can have 100 unit apartment building, it'll take me an hour and a half to go drive to it. And if it's local, go look at it and be back home in an hour and a half. So I'm like, yeah, this is the scalability and you know, just so much so much quicker. I think the headache is, is a lot less.

    Sean Thomson 05:21

    What are some of the things that you're finding as a challenge to go from single family to multifamily? Is it was it was it a pretty smooth it sounds like you've done really well. But was it a smooth transition to take your single family business shut it down and move to multifamily? Or were there some bumps along the way?

    Javier Hinojo 05:35

    Well, it was a little bit tough, I don't like to let anybody go. I'm just a nice guy. So I don't like to tell people, hey, you know, you don't have a job anymore. But that was probably the hardest part for me. But I was doing everybody a disservice by keeping them in the company, they can go grow somewhere else and be more efficient somewhere. That was actually the first step that I had to take. And that was a little hard. The second thing that I noticed right away was, you know, when I was flipping 50, houses, you know, I had 12 to 16 houses at one time, you know, I might have been acquiring four or five, I might have been rehabbing four, or five, and I might be selling four or five. So I always had $3 million $4 millions of private money from investors that would fund my projects. So I said, Oh, yeah, you know, say, I got my first opportunity. And I said, Okay, we got to buy this building, I need to go raise $1.3 million. I said, you know, one point somewhere a little bit over a million. So I can do this. I mean, come on 1,000,001 million, you know, a little bit a million a little bit over, I said, I can do this. And I was shocked. You know, I over promised and under delivered. I think I raised like 200k, you know, out of the 1.3 that I was supposed to raise. And I was a total shock to me that my current investors actually didn't jump on board. So for me, I realized quickly that I had to target the right Ms. investor, right, the right avatar, you know, the ones who wanted to park the money somewhere for a few years, not want the money turned every six months. Now fast forward. 19 months later, all those guys used to face let me borrow money to flip houses, they're putting money in my, in my projects now.

    Sean Thomson 06:59

    Yeah, a lot of times in multifamily business you can give them you can give them a higher return, but a longer return too, right. So when you're, when you're doing mortgages, or flipping on houses, a lot of times there's a shelf life with your money, that it's not active, right? with family, it's active the whole time.

    Javier Hinojo 07:16

    You got to deploy it, right? So if you have somebody lend you money at just say it's 10% interest, and he lent you money, and you have the money for three months, and then you give it back to him for two months, and you have it for three months. And then you get back to him for you know, two months. I mean, at the end of the at the end of the year, he really made 10% of his money. Now he probably made like six, six and a half, because he's kept coming back. Right. And he had to redeploy it every time. So you don't, they're not really making, you know, 10% of their money, they're actually making a lot less. So yeah, it was, I had to kind of explain that to them. But at the same time, I had to let them know that like, Look, I have other investors, you know, like, you know, it's not like I you know, say, hey, look, guys, you know, if you're going to invest in me, let's do it. It's not I mean, I got other folks that, that I'm going to go find to invest in my projects. It's what I do for the first couple of projects, and then eventually they're like, okay, you know, we're going to start throwing some money at you. So they come around.

    Sean Thomson 08:06

    Once they see that it's productive for them, they're probably more interested in it are so what is your What is your private investment group look like? Now? Are you? Are you cultivating that? are you growing that? Is that is that a focus in your business?

    Javier Hinojo 08:18

    Yeah, definitely got to do that. Just because, you know, knock on wood, I haven't had any issues, raising money. But you know, at some point, I'm going to get a big boy where I got to raise 9 million $10 million, you know, so you're always, you know, I was not building relationships, you know, for, you know, raising money, or just partnerships, you know, in case you need some help, you know, multi families is a team business, right, team sport, you know, you know, hopefully, you know, if you can do it, by your own by yourself, awesome. But, you know, most of the time, you're going to need some help. So I was looking for that, for sure.

    Sean Thomson 08:48

    Yeah, we're building some of that now in our business to where we have a we have our private investor group, we also have a partner group, where we have partners like yours, someone like you that they can come in with a stack of investors, you know, and, and help bridge that gap, in some cases for anything that we that we acquire, right? So it's, you have different relationships, but it's essentially the same function. So yep, we're doing some of that as well. Let's talk about what you see in single family, did you sort of specialize in finding the deal and hustling deals? Is that was that what you were really good at?

    Javier Hinojo 09:23

    Yeah, so you know, a lot of networking and just getting deals from, you know, wholesalers and doing my own my own marketing. Yep.

    Sean Thomson 09:30

    Yeah. Have you? Have you taken some of that into your multifamily game and continued some of the successes you've had there? Or is it changed completely?

    Javier Hinojo 09:37

    Well, it's, it's a little bit different, but I pretty much had to start from scratch. Yeah, I did use some of the things that I that I learned, but it's just a different animal. Usually, if you're talking to somebody in multifamily, these guys are sophisticated, right? You guys might be worth 1020 $30 million. You know, so you got to have a different kind of conversation. You can't have the same conversation. like you'd be talking to somebody that just inherited a house that's worth 50k. You know, it's just, it's just a little bit different, right. Just the Communication and, and what you say, you know how you treat them? It just is just different. But yeah, I mean, half our deals have been off market and the other half had been, you know, either through networking actually got their network and really I really haven't got any deals through a broker yet. Oh, really?

    Sean Thomson 10:15

    Yeah. So you've done all your deals with no brokers for you anyway. But you've had brokers involved in some of your deals.

    Javier Hinojo 10:20

    Oh, yeah. We had a broker involved some our deals. Were just like, you know, somebody bought us the project.

    Sean Thomson 10:25

    Yeah. So it was a network deal that was had a broker attached to it. But you, you yourself haven't, haven't fostered that broker relationships. Crossman? Are you focused on specific markets? Are you looking at just like one area? Or just Are you just going everywhere?

    Javier Hinojo 10:39

    Yeah, it's just wherever I get out wherever I get a really good project. So they're just, you know, you got to get a first I got to get a good, a good deal. And then number two, I got to make sure there's somebody that can manage that, that we like to trust, or that we know. And then somebody local, they're also

    Sean Thomson 10:56

    your single family business was all over. So you're pretty comfortable with operating remotely. for your business, I'm sure,

    Javier Hinojo 11:02

    yeah, the biggest thing is, make sure you have the right people on your team, if you get a good enough deal you can pay for, you know, construction management, you can pay for a better property management, you don't have to pinch pennies to make the deal work. So you know, you got you got a good purchase price, you know, you got meat on the bone, and you can go ahead and pay, you know, for maybe for a better company.

    Sean Thomson 11:23

    So when you're looking for deals you're looking for, you're just looking for a successful project, you're not necessarily looking for a successful project in this town or that town or anything like that. You're mostly focused on the deal metrics, and how that can equate to being a successful outcome. Right?

    Javier Hinojo 11:38

    Correct. Yeah. So you know, you know, I'm fairly, I'm fairly new to this, right? It's been less than two years. So I got to go build my portfolio built my, you know, my net worth, and it's kind of built my track record, right. So if I have to go to seven different states and own seven properties in seven different states, and make that work, I can't wait until I own, like 50 properties, like within an hour on my house, you know, that'd be that's going to be a piece of cake.

    Sean Thomson 12:00

    Right? What is so what is it? What are you seeing success in right now? Where are you finding your most successful places to find deals is in the Union, in your networking with other people that are out hustling deals?

    Javier Hinojo 12:10

    The last two projects that I've actually closed have been through networking, every single one of them?

    Sean Thomson 12:15

    Yeah. Yeah, like you said, multifamily is definitely a team sport. So having that having a good team put together is critical, I think.

    Javier Hinojo 12:22

    Yep. And then like the previous two had been off market. And then the next one we buy, we're buying it hopefully, by the end of July, in about four to four or five weeks. on that one was off market as well, that we found. So if I, you know, I'll say you know, 50% right. 50% from network and if in the present from off market?

    Sean Thomson 12:40

    Yeah, are you planning to change any that are just going to continue doing what you've been doing?

    Javier Hinojo 12:43

    I mean, it's not broken. So, you know, just I'll just keep at it. For sure.

    Sean Thomson 12:47

    As you as you kind of grow in your business, will you start to focus more in one, like in your local area?

    Javier Hinojo 12:54

    I mean, for sure, but I'm not paying for cap, you know, I'm not paying a fight cap, you know, I you know, at you know, unless it's a nice, you know, exit or leaving somebody money in my, in one of our projects for 10 years, you know, like, like a three year exit. That's, that's, that's really nice. You know, two to three year exit is nice. I mean, if you if you had to do a five year exit, well, that's okay. But like two to three years is just a nice exit for, for me. It is that's kind of my goal.

    Sean Thomson 13:20

    Yeah. So you're finding the deal metrics to be difficult in your home market. You're in El Paso, you said, I'm in Raleigh, North Carolina, Raleigh, Raleigh, Raleigh is blowing up like crazy with multifamily. So you're, you're finding it difficult to find the deal metrics that you need in your local market. So you're having to kind of find deals in other areas to make them more successful.

    Javier Hinojo 13:40

    Yeah, I mean, I'm okay with that. You know, we go buy a property. And then the next day, it appraises for a million dollars more. You know, it's like two states over I'm okay with that.

    Sean Thomson 13:49

    Yeah, that's good. You know, I'm fine with that. Yeah, if it works, right, it doesn't matter. So what do you what do you see as sort of your next steps, you're going to continue looking for properties and things like that, but what do you what do you sort of headed towards in your goals?

    Javier Hinojo 14:05

    So I you know, I get a lot of people reach out and say, Hey, you know, how you find your deals and you mentor and things like that I really never wanted to kind of be a coach. I'm not the kind of person that says there's a Hey, did you make five phone calls today? Did you make you did you make your relationship to the brokers that I'm like, I would go insane, I would be so miserable. So I actually started doing some one day events or just for people how if I'm off market properties, and started a mastermind as well, so you know, just kind of just high level individuals, we're, you know, nobody needs, you know, their handheld for the most part, right? They're successful in their own way, their business, real estate or in you know, in their careers, where everybody's a go getter. And it's not it's not you where you have to grab somebody's hand and push them along, and we can, we can network and buy deals together. So that's kind of my next steps, right, creating my I have a decent network, I think kind of create our own, you know, kind of family where we can bring deals Do you know deals together, you know, assign loans, raise money together in JV. Hopefully I can be part of those projects, or just people in the group can partner up with each other. I think that's kind of the next goal step for me on that side, you know, just grow, keep growing that network.

    Sean Thomson 15:12

    So it's you're doing, I guess you're trying to do a couple things, you're trying to give back a little bit of what you the success that you've had and found, right. And then you're trying to enhance that network that you have, and make it sort of more effective. Is that kind of the goal?

    Javier Hinojo 15:25

    Yeah, for sure. You know, I'm just kind of kind of separate, you know, kind of the network, okay, I network with a lot of people, but he can just, he can network, certain times, we just have, you know, high level people, you know, at your disposal for sale, or like, you know, just, you're always connecting with them, you they like you they trust you, you know, you meet their families. I mean, that's how you build long term relationships. And that's how you, that's how you make a lot of money in real estate. I mean, you make a lot of money in real estate doing networking events and masterminds.

    Sean Thomson 15:54

    So are those so are your programs open to others? Or is it invitation only? How does that how are you working on?

    Javier Hinojo 16:00

    So yeah, it's, I mean, it's open to anybody, but you still you got to qualify, right? If you're like, brand new, or things like that, I mean, it's probably not going to be for you, but it you know, but if you if you own, you know, a couple of businesses or you know, you got something, you got to bring something to the table, right. So everybody can, you can somehow help somebody else out, either because you got business knowledge, you have find, or you know, you own a, you know, business or you own, like 10, restaurants, or whatever it is, right? Doesn't have to be necessarily real estate, but you have to be successful in in, you know, whatever you've been doing in life.

    Sean Thomson 16:33

    So, it's, it's not a beginner, it's not a newbie group, next level group, where people can come together on a whole other level, and help each other win even more. Right? Correct. Yeah. And so what, what do you see? So that's, that's what you're doing next? What do you What are you thinking of in terms of your real estate Are you have real estate objectives that you're trying to hit?

    Javier Hinojo 16:54

    I was trying to just chill out to my wife in January, like, honey, I don't want to buy nothing right now. I think it was like 380 units, something like that. Yeah. And we're less I was like, I don't know what I was under 400. And I'm like, I don't want to I want to just relax this year, I want to get my you know, my marketing better my social media better, I want to spend some more time at home, it didn't work out, you know, then. And then we closed like three deals and in like, a six week period, and then we have like two more under contract with closing one next month, like it just, you know, I really don't have I can't, I can't say, hey, I want to buy, you know, $5,000 by the end of the year, sure. I would like to do that. I just want to buy the next good project, you know, if I want to take a break, but if I if a project lands in my lap tomorrow is like is a stupid deal. You better believe I'm going to do it.

    Sean Thomson 17:40

    Well, it sounds like you've built the bricks towards success. So it just it just kind of its what's the law of attraction, I guess you've, you've laid the groundwork for success in your business. And now I just kind of just kind of find you right there. Don't you think that's the case?

    Javier Hinojo 17:54

    Yeah, me for sure. You know, it's just a lot of work, you know, a lot, a lot A long time, you know, especially, you know, networking with people. Like I said, when you're raising money, I'm talking, I'm in North Carolina, and I'm talking to people from California, they get off of work at 6pm 9pm my time, you know, so there's this a price to pay. But yeah, I mean, you know, just growing that network, and, you know, build that, I guess you could say a foundation that takes a lot of work, and you still got to you got to maintain that you just can't build it can't build that building and go away. Right? You got to come back, maintain and make sure everything's going well.

    Sean Thomson 18:26

    Yeah, yeah. What I mean, I think that's amazing that you've been able to build such a network in such a velocity in your business that, you know, you want to take a break, and it just deals are just falling in your lap? That's a position that almost anybody would envy. I would think that's wanting to do this for sure.

    Javier Hinojo 18:41

    Yeah, well, you know, again, right is there's always a price to pay. So you got to pay the price, right? Either monetarily or if you're married, you got kids, you know, you're going to sacrifice a little bit, right, some of your personal times, maybe some of your family's time. You know, you know, you can't do this by working 10 hours a day, you know, you know, you got deep pockets, sure, you can hire your whole team out. But if you don't have deep pockets, you can do this by working, you know, five hours a week and scale it very quickly. I'm just being honest, you got to work your ass off. So because there's somebody out there hungrier? That's going to actually, you know, work, you know, 20 3040 hours a week. And take that from Yeah, so I just the way it is. That's the that's the I guess the hustle. I guess you want to call it?

    Sean Thomson 19:21

    Yeah, yeah, exactly. Well, have you ever so I ask everybody on the podcast, this same question. So it's, it's, you know, the name of the show is Next Level American Dream. So I like to talk to people that are achieving their American Dream, which you clearly are. What is the American Dream mean to you?

    Javier Hinojo 19:37

    American Dream? Look, I think it's where you can, I think you can be yourself, right? You don't have to pretend to be anybody who you're not. And you're able to, you know, help your family help others, you know, help yourself as you know, as well. You know, and then, you know, you just say hey, is it money? Is it net worth? I mean, what is it right? I mean, you know, what is it that you want to accomplish, right? If you want to give money back Okay, then Go make some money and give it to somebody what what's your American Dream? A lot of people American Dream is like, get a job and buy a house and you know, have 2.5 kids, you know, but why don't you ask some people that come here from another country? What's the American Dream, right? I mean, they're killing it, I was talking to one guy who's applied for my mastermind, he came from India, and he paid half a million dollars last year to get his EB five. He's like, I know, I'm not getting that money back. But I put the money in EB five program, I'm probably never going to lose my money. But that 500k is just for me to get my green card. For him, that was like his first step to the American Dream, you know, just to be here. And like, that guy's going to just kill it, he just going to kill it. And unfortunately, you know, I see a lot of folks that actually born here that just, you know, just live life. You know, they don't, they don't really have that drive. Nothing wrong with that, right. There's nothing wrong with it. It's okay, if you don't have that drive, but a man American Dream, I mean, a lot of things. That's why everybody from all over the world wants to come to America, American Dream for me is I want to do the least amount of possible and enjoy the most benefits, right? Like, if I can outsource arguing with my wife, I would do it.

    Sean Thomson 21:07

    So, just free to just be, right?

    Javier Hinojo 21:10

    Yeah, free to be whatever. If I want to work 80 hours a week, it's my decision, my choice, not because I have to do it, right. Or if I want to disappear for six months, everything still runs efficiently. And when I came, when I come back, I want to be worth more and I want to have more money, you know, I want to have more assets, I want to be better off, I want my company to be better off. If I leave for six months, and I come back.

    Sean Thomson 21:30

    What is what are like, what are like one or two things that you think you do that make you kind of Excel and help to help you achieve your American Dream?

    Javier Hinojo 21:37

    Well, you know, I have a really good work ethic. And you will say, hey, look, work smart, work hard, you know, all that stuff, but definitely got to work smart. You know, you got to work hard. But it's got an it's got to go with smart, right? What are you doing now that that at one point, you can get somebody else, you know, to do, right? Like, you know, you leverage other people's money, well, then you get to leverage other people's time. And somebody can sit in that seat that can help you, you know, do that. So that's kind of one thing. I would say that. I guess the question was, what makes me stand out what makes me..

    Sean Thomson 22:07

    Well, what do you think is helping you succeed?

    Javier Hinojo 22:10

    So, that right there, for sure. I like to, you know, definitely outsource. So it frees up my time. You know, I can't sit there and mess around with, you know, trying to do a website, you know, I mean, like, why just go pay somebody 500 bucks, 1000 bucks, whatever it costs and have them do it a lot better. Why do you want to save $500 you know, just little things like that, you know, that you can outsource? Or you can do income, you can do income producing activities are just big, big, big ticket items. You know, I'd say that's number one, it could be a good thing. I'm like I'm not a micromanager. So it can be a good thing. Try to delegate as much as you can. And number two, I just say that I'm a risk taker, I like to take a risk, calculated risk. But I definitely like to take risk.

    Sean Thomson 22:51

    Yeah, so giving people to giving people those jobs that either you're not good at or you don't want to do, and having them excel at those things. And then and then being willing to get out there and take a risk.

    Javier Hinojo 23:02

    Even examples. I'll give an example. This next couple of days, I'm going with my marketing staff, we're going to go and meet for about three, four days. And like my social media, marketing staff, we're going to bus it's five and myself, it'll be six of us. And it I had a meeting with them. And I just realized that every single one of them has a master's degree, right? Holy crap. I didn't even know that. I'm a high school push up. You know, like, I'm a C plus student like, you know, don't be afraid to hire somebody smarter than you people. Yeah, you don't have to be the smartest guy in your company. Like these guys are way smarter than me like, you know, like, they make me look really good. That's their job. Like everybody that works directly for me. Number one job description is making me look good. Yeah.

    Sean Thomson 23:46

    It's not that hard. You're out there hustling man. If you got a great story, I think. So have you so tell some people how they can find you. If they have questions. If they want to get involved in what you got going on. And you have a podcast? Do you have a website? What do you Where can people contact you?

    Javier Hinojo 24:00

    For sure. So, I have a podcast. It's called, "The Naked Truth About Real Estate Investing." The thing about my podcast is I have a roulette that asks four random questions at the end of the show. I just made a new roulette that's more pg. 13 because some of the guests asked me like, hey, man, your roulette is pretty used to Naked Truth, it has to give me a little bit more. A little more, a little more substance. So, I have two different roulette. So that's kind of my cool thing. So that I just asked our host, I mean, our guests and like just random personal questions at the end. And it's pretty funny, I think but so I have a podcast. I also have a Facebook page, a Facebook group, a "Billion Dollar Multifamily and Commercial Real Estate." You guys can find me on social media. Just my name Javier Hinojo. I'm the only one out there and my dad you know, I'm a junior my dad's not it's not a junior. So, I have a unique name. You'll find me, search me, Google me. Hopefully nothing wrong comes up!

    Sean Thomson 24:48

    Yeah, I like your Facebook group. I'm in there. That billion dollar multi family. It's real good that people share quite a bit in there, and I think everything works pretty good.

    Javier Hinojo 24:57

    Yeah, so yes, awesome. And I'm definitely going to like this. This next the other half of the year, we're going to be a lot more active in there, do a lot more content and just giving back a lot of the things that we do. Yeah, I'll do want to mention, I did my first one day event, probably going to do another one and the mastermind just one thing. There's a lot of masterminds out there. So I could not be where I'm at if I hadn't joined a mastermind. So whoever you know, your audience, everybody out there, go find a mastermind to join. If it's, you know, whatever it is you do in your business. If you're a tech guy, go find a tech mastermind, you know, when you're doing real estate, also, do find a real estate mastermind. Find a mastermind, you're going to get deals done, you're going to get you're going to make long live connections and go find yourself a good mastermind and ask for referrals. Please ask for referrals. Don't forget.

    Sean Thomson 25:43

    Yeah, yeah, I'm into I mean, two or three masterminds pretty much year round.

    Javier Hinojo 25:47

    There is definitely key. One difference that my mastermind is going to have is, I'm going to let everybody jump into like my sales meetings, my weekly company meetings, and any kind of meetings that I'm having when I'm acquiring a property. I'm going to let people come in and see how we do how we make the sausage. Right? There's stuff that goes wrong last minute, you know, whatever it is, like, you know, it's like, it's like, I'm taking a shower. nobody's looking in, right? It's a glass, you know, you know that. That's what I'm going to do on mine. So everybody can actually get a real glimpse of you know, what our business looks like, you know, it's not perfect. But it's making money!

    Sean Thomson 26:25

    No, it's definitely a rough road. Getting a deal closed is definitely a rough.

    Javier Hinojo 26:29

    Yeah. It's like yeah, you commented Aaron, like, yesterday, I had a meeting yesterday with for one of our properties, and it was property management, property management. And construction manager. I'm a super chill guy. I never get upset. I hardly ever get upset. I've been married 23 years, you can ask my wife how many times she sees me upset? I think she'll say maybe one. But uh, you know, it was very interesting, very interesting conversation. And anybody wanted to be in that meeting? They could have been meeting to see how we handle that, you know?

    Sean Thomson 26:56

    interesting. Well, I really enjoyed talking to you. You're such a high energy guy. And you got so much going on. It's inspiring to have you kind of nearby. It's infectious, your energy. So I like I like hanging out with you as much as I can. So hopefully, we'll get more chances to do that. And I really appreciate you coming on the show and kind of sharing your story. It's interesting how you've kind of built it and relied on your network and the success you've had. It's been amazing. So, I really appreciate being on thanks again!

    Javier Hinojo 27:21

    No, I appreciate it. I really appreciate you having me on. It's a pleasure!

    Abigail Thomson 27:25

    Thanks for joining us for another episode of Next Level American Dream. If you would like to learn more about what we talked about today, want to contact the team directly, or are interested in passively investing and being a part of our deal room, head over to our website at www.thomsonmultifamilygroup.com -- Before you go, please leave a review! Your comments help us create more episodes for you to enjoy.


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